Just over a week and I finally cross the border into beautiful, drizzly, uh, isn’t that supposed to be sunny, Ca? First drops I’ve seen on this trip, and they come in California. To be fair, only a few. The weather has been incredible on this trip, better than summer in Oregon and Washington. This morning I woke up to beautiful sunny skies, and incredible views I went and checked out the Simpson Botanical Gardens, the last thing I would expect to find out here, and incredible coast line. I walked down to the deserted, beautiful beach, took a seat near the surf and meditated for a few minutes (I don’t last more than five or ten minutes, it still does me alot of good though) and when I came back to conciousness, I heard a snort to my right, I looked over and a sea lion had joined me in meditation. Such an amazing space, warm sunshine, crashing waves, and I needed it after the night before. The night before I lost $20 out of my pocket, and one of my cameras special rechargeable battery packs. I also got a bad headache after all the stress of the day before (and from trying to keep that negative energy from my amazing guests). I tend to go kind of brain dead when I have a headache, which problem contributed to the things I loss and the following travesties; I looked through everything, and couldn’t find a lighter or matches, I thought I had packed several, now I needed to make dinner, was hungry, and could find none. So I borrowed some from a camper nearby, after I returned them, and before the water had boiled, the primus fuel ran out. Eventually I found the only lighter it seems I have, gathered what burnables I had and started a fire, never did get the water boiling, but eventually had some warm mushy noodles with pesto. After dinner I tried to take a shower. It teased with a bit of warm water, then went cold as ice. Walked to the showers at the other end of the camp, and the same. So I took my painful head to bed. And got one of my mustache hairs caught in my sleeping bag zipper, how I don’t know, what I do know is it was incredibly painful. Parties, two, loud can’t sleep... but the beautiful morning awaits...
After the morning (Botanical Gardens, meditating sea loins described above) I got a decent breakfast at the Aloha Cafe, in Charleston, and continued down the beautiful Oregon coast into California. Tonight I wirte this at Gold Bluffs Beach Campground. The ranger recomended this to me without tellling me I would have to drive 20 miles (roundtrip) through rough dirt roads, this car definitely is not cut out for this but I made it. I would guess it is beautiful here, but I got here long after dark, so I tell you in the morning. It has been a beautiful drive, but I really want to get back to my project, I need to stay focused, and I am much happier when I am.
It’s after 11 at night, I’ve spent the last couple of hours getting a couple of clips ready for this journal. I feel better now, doing something towards this... Although tonight I wouild rather not be camping alone, I am definitely in the state of mind to be social. Well there will be plenty of that tomorrow in Arcata.
Uh, it's now 3:30 am, Dirt bikes are screaming through this remote campround. I stuble out of bed, throw my stuff in my car, and I am off to Arcata...
After the morning (Botanical Gardens, meditating sea loins described above) I got a decent breakfast at the Aloha Cafe, in Charleston, and continued down the beautiful Oregon coast into California. Tonight I wirte this at Gold Bluffs Beach Campground. The ranger recomended this to me without tellling me I would have to drive 20 miles (roundtrip) through rough dirt roads, this car definitely is not cut out for this but I made it. I would guess it is beautiful here, but I got here long after dark, so I tell you in the morning. It has been a beautiful drive, but I really want to get back to my project, I need to stay focused, and I am much happier when I am.
It’s after 11 at night, I’ve spent the last couple of hours getting a couple of clips ready for this journal. I feel better now, doing something towards this... Although tonight I wouild rather not be camping alone, I am definitely in the state of mind to be social. Well there will be plenty of that tomorrow in Arcata.
Uh, it's now 3:30 am, Dirt bikes are screaming through this remote campround. I stuble out of bed, throw my stuff in my car, and I am off to Arcata...

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