Lost Valley Day 2
After a long, peaceful nights sleep, I woke up to chirping birds and singing frogs. I took a long walk over the property to digest my morning granola and tea. I wanted to do some wiritng, get some of what I am experiencing down before I forget it. My ibook was a bit low on power so I was looking for a place in the sun that I could plug in. I looked at the welcoming cob bench, and dreamed that this organic structure might by some miracle have a plug in, but I didn't really imagine it was possible, yet, now I am sitting on this wonderful cob welcoming bench
in the warm sun, plugged in, writing this. I released some anxiety that had built up over my sons mothers court actions, by calling my attorney. I haven’t heard from him and want to know everyhting is going ok. I am also worried that a cut from moving hasn’t healed and might be infected, and be responsible for my energy drain. I keep cleaning it, but I have a bionic joint in one of my fingers in that is suseptible to infections (no it doesn’t have superstrength, it’s just a semi-effective replacement from when I smashed hand when I was a carpenter), I’m sure I’ll live, I’ve survived tetnus in Australia and Tuberculosis in suburbia, USA. I am having my picture taken on the bench by Uli as I write this.
mmmm spelt tortillas with oodles of yummificacious toppings. Hmmm, I think I am starting to sound like a hippy. But to say Lost Valley is populated by hippies would be innacurate. Their may be some that appear, or would see themselves, that way. But also the ultra-straight button-down and tie, the mother, the farmer, the mecahnic, the elder. People in other words, coming together to create something larger than themselves. After lunch I interviewed one of their founders (Diane) and the director of their Permaculture Programs (Marc). Some brilliant statements, I think this little film will be illuminating. Afterwards we headed back to Eugene, I dropped Uli off, so he could figure out how he was going to get to Frisco and I headed to Laura and Roberts. A visit that was to be full of wonderful fruits...

mmmm spelt tortillas with oodles of yummificacious toppings. Hmmm, I think I am starting to sound like a hippy. But to say Lost Valley is populated by hippies would be innacurate. Their may be some that appear, or would see themselves, that way. But also the ultra-straight button-down and tie, the mother, the farmer, the mecahnic, the elder. People in other words, coming together to create something larger than themselves. After lunch I interviewed one of their founders (Diane) and the director of their Permaculture Programs (Marc). Some brilliant statements, I think this little film will be illuminating. Afterwards we headed back to Eugene, I dropped Uli off, so he could figure out how he was going to get to Frisco and I headed to Laura and Roberts. A visit that was to be full of wonderful fruits...
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