The Universe is Conspiring... make your life BETTER. This concept is sometimes known as Pronoia (the opposite of Paranoia) a term floating around since the sixties, and the title of Rob Brezny's (Free Will Astrology) new book.
"Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You With Blessings" is the elongated title of Free Will Astrology's Rob Brezsny new book. It has been compared to Be Here Now (written by Ram Das over thirty years ago). Brezsny is attempting to counteract cynicism and apocalyptical fantasies with "pronoia."
I am still reading this (as well as a dozen other books as per usual), here is my favorite quote at the moment from the book (but actually stated by Robert Anton Wilson) - "You should view the world as a conspiracyrun by a very close-knit group of nearly omnipotent people, and you should think of those people as yourself and your friends."
You can listen to Rob discuss Pronoia on the RU Sirius show here.
Some items from Rob's list of actions to build your pronoia;
6. Brag about yourself nonstop for 10 minutes. Record it so you can listen back to it later.
7. Perform a senseless act of altruism, for instance by giving an anonymous gift or providing some beauty or healing to a person who cannot do you any favors in return.
10. Build an altar devoted to beauty, truth, and love in one of the ugliest places you know.
12. Compose and perform a ceremony in which you get married to yourself.
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