The Most amazing Music Site - updated

I am really shallow. All day I planned on putting up a post about all the wonderful things that happened today - The AWR being saved from the Republicans, 7000 churches, schools and homes showing the anti-Walmart movie next week etc. But I didn't get around to it. But when I re-discovered the Pandora site, and found out that it is now FREE, I just had to let you know! "What is Pandora?" you ask...created by the Music Genome Project On January 6, 2000 a group of musicians and music-loving technologists came together with the idea of creating the most comprehensive analysis of music ever. Put in a favorite artist or song, and it will create a "station" of similar music for you, it may not seem like much, but try it and you will be amazed, a lot of people put a ton of work into this. UPDATE; I have been playing with this site, and here is how to help Pandora Read Your Mind better...First, for each song played click on it and rate it (a menu will pop up when you click, you can also add the song to your 'favorites' list, etc.). Second, instead of choosing an artist, you may want to enter a favorite song by that artist, so you get music that is similar to the song you like instead of maybe your least favorite cuts. Third, if you don't want to spend the $36 to buy a subscription, or want to check it out first, choose the free option with 'commercials' - there are no commercials - maybe eventually they will start adding them, but not yet. Fourth, you can click on "guide us" and add another song or artist to your station(s) to help fine tune the selections you hear. Fifth, let Pandora know how well they are matching your song or artist. I emailed them about the band Unicorn - the music was bit off and their choices by the band were suspect (all my other stations - Run D.M.C., Lover I don't have to Love, This Modern Love, Tim Buckley etc. are amazing), and I got an email back in TWO MINUTES - not a generic email either - but a thought out response with a history of what Unicorn music they had tested! Amazing - enjoy!Link
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