Thankyou! I was just enlightened that I am receiving up to 500 visits a month on this blog, almost as many as my website. (update - set up a tracker to verify this and there were over 100 hits on the first day... what's that like 3000 a month?? I am honored - thanks for reading) That may not sound like a lot compared to those that get 500 visits an hour (i.e. BoingBoing.net), but those are focused and provide something for their readers, as opposed to my unfocused ramblings written primarily for my own benefit. I thought there were maybe three of you out there at most. What a pleasant surprise!
However, now that I know you are there, I want to give back, so from now on I will pass on gems I find.
BrillianceThe above link is a great source for The Daily Show, and we all need all the daily show we can get, from what I have read they seem to support the sharing of their show, but I am not a lawyer, check out the legality for yourself, these are torrents, so you'll need a client, but excellent quality, as good as off TV, but sans commercials. I thought Monday's show (10/17) was particularly good (Dolly Parton!).
I'll put in to a link for a free download of The Corporation - a movie you don't want to miss, in my next post,
Thanks again!
Keep Shining!
El Deano