Green Christmas Gifts - the Top Ten (updated)

Christmas shopping isn’t easy, with all the pressures society, and all the companies that want us to buy their products, try to foist on us. I searched the web for a decent list of ‘sustainable’ gift suggestions, and didn’t find anything impressive, so I thought I would try posting my own, I hope these ideas help!
In no particular order;
Massage Gift Certificate - I love giving (and getting!) these. An opportunity to give someone a healing and caring touch and a mini-vacation (without burning all that fuel!). Massage can help with back pain, headaches, stress, injuries and other issues. Choose the practitioner carefully (i.e. make sure they are licensed, and not located in the ‘Red Light’ district). Try asking at your local health food store or coop if you need suggestions.
Better Off: Flipping the Switch on Technology - Books make great gifts, right now I am reading Eric Brende’s book on escaping the ‘comforts’ of modern technology, and am finding it very inspiring. It could make a great discussion topic with whomever you give this to. Read my short review in a previous post here. This was recently released in paperback with a short update, however Amazon is selling the hardcover edition (2004) for78% off
Your Creative Skills (knitting, art, pottery, poems, songs, baked goods) - Some of my favorite gifts from others (and given to others) have been ‘homemade’ gifts - quilts, mugs, bowls, paintings, shirts, coffee liquor. I treasure the gifts made with love and care, they bring a warm feeling every time I use/wear/see them.
Community Supported Agriculture membership (CSA) - A great way to support local community farms, and give your lucky recipient bushels of organic healthy food, delivered to their door every week, at the same time. To find a farm in your state try this LINK (58 farms came up for my area!)
Journey to the Wild Divine - “Disclaimer - marketing pays off here.” This game would have never made my list if I wasn’t familiar with it, but their marketing department sent me a copy to review, and ‘lo and behold’ here it is on my list. This is a game with biofeedback sensors built in that takes you on a healing journey - very expensive. I will be posting a more in depth review here soon, so check back. Journey to Wild Divine
Post Secret - The Book - I love this web site, every week I am awestruck by the art and revlelations sent in. The book just came out, and it collects some of the best (and the site doesn’t save them, so this is the only way to see many of them). PostSecret book
Essential Oils - Your local health store can be an excellent resource for sustainable gifts. I like giving essential oils, they can be used for healing, baths or to smell good. San Francisco Herb Company is an excellent (and reasonable) source for essential oils, herbs and related items.
Salve - Do you have a garden being invaded by comfrey? Add some essential oils, beeswax and turn it into healing salve, find some cute jars, and ‘wallah’! you have Christmas gifts! (I'm not sure about the 'wallah' spelling, if you can help me out , let me know - thanks!)
Creative tools - Support the creative side in your friends and family. Get them quality art supplies, musical instruments, or a journal and a good pen, and watch as the creations to burst forth!
Membership - We all want to feel like we belong. Give them the opportunity to belong to a group that is doing good (ACLU, Nature Conservancy, Amnesty International, Greenpeace, etc.) many have local chapters that they can become active in.
Indigenous Designs - Giving (and receiving) clothes can be tricky, as clothing tastes tend to be very personal. My parents finally got it right when they started giving me organic shirts made by Indigenous Designs.
Indigenous Designs exists to support fair trade, preservation of socio-cultural and planetary environments while providing outstanding quality. By working directly with artisans and their knitting cooperatives, a strong partnership has evolved to support their visions in managing sustainable commerce.
Love - Do you know someone who needs more love and positive strokes in their life? Give love (Hugs, real, concrete support of their dreams and goals, attention, etc.) Try making a recording on CD, tape or DVD going-off about how wonderful they are (with specifics) they can play any time they want.
Do you know someone that needs to get out more? Take them to a weekend at the coast or in the mountains, or hiking, to a play or a museum(or give them a museum membership or tickets to a play).
Treasure - Do they have a favorite book or movie from their childhood? Do they love velvet clothes? Or collect vinyl records? Try digging up these gift ideas and more at your local thrift store (possibly supporting a good cause as you shop) or on ebay (you can get $5 to $15 off your purchase by using these coupons)
This will be updated regurlary with helpful links, and possibly more suggestions over the next week, so stay tuned!
Wishing you and all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Sublime Solstice, and Caring Kwanzaa!
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