Saturday, May 31, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Low Road to Victory - NY Times tells Clinton she should get out

From today's NY Times Editorial:
The Pennsylvania campaign, which produced yet another inconclusive result on Tuesday, was even meaner, more vacuous, more desperate, and more filled with pandering than the mean, vacuous, desperate, pander-filled contests that preceded it.
Voters are getting tired of it; it is demeaning the political process; and it does not work. It is past time for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to acknowledge that the negativity, for which she is mostly responsible, does nothing but harm to her, her opponent, her party and the 2008 election.
If nothing else, self interest should push her in that direction. Mrs. Clinton did not get the big win in Pennsylvania that she needed to challenge the calculus of the Democratic race. It is true that Senator Barack Obama outspent her 2-to-1. But Mrs. Clinton and her advisers should mainly blame themselves, because, as the political operatives say, they went heavily negative and ended up squandering a good part of what was once a 20-point lead.
On the eve of this crucial primary, Mrs. Clinton became the first Democratic candidate to wave the bloody shirt of 9/11. A Clinton television ad — torn right from Karl Rove’s playbook — evoked the 1929 stock market crash, Pearl Harbor, the Cuban missile crisis, the cold war and the 9/11 attacks, complete with video of Osama bin Laden. “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen,” the narrator intoned.
If that was supposed to bolster Mrs. Clinton’s argument that she is the better prepared to be president in a dangerous world, she sent the opposite message on Tuesday morning by declaring in an interview on ABC News that if Iran attacked Israel while she were president: “We would be able to totally obliterate them.”
By staying on the attack and not engaging Mr. Obama on the substance of issues like terrorism, the economy and how to organize an orderly exit from Iraq, Mrs. Clinton does more than just turn off voters who don’t like negative campaigning. She undercuts the rationale for her candidacy that led this page and others to support her: that she is more qualified, right now, to be president than Mr. Obama...It is getting to be time for the superdelegates to do what the Democrats had in mind when they created superdelegates: settle a bloody race that cannot be won at the ballot box.
Complete Article Here
Monday, March 17, 2008
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Alaska Videos

Sunday, August 19, 2007
But, wait... Here we again, back on the only road I have ever known...
I am off this week to Alaska, then to Hawaii for three months and this winter I will be in China and Vietnam. Travels! Adventure! Maybe even more Videos!
OK, not so exciting for you, but I am stoked. I have been sicker than I have ever been for the las t year, now I am coming back to health and to life, so ride with me if you can, I would really appreciate your company - in person or through this screen,
El Deano

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Oh man what happened to the news?!
An amazing promo from another time when the news featured...An elderly woman? psychedelia? What happened to our world of love and crazy graphics?
Friday, June 01, 2007
House on/off switch - energy saving button shuts everything on or off!

electronic items in their home from a central switch. Push the button
to turn your house on when you get home; push it again to turn it off
when you leave. Aiming to make the ‘green’ way the most convenient way. LINK
Powered by ScribeFire.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The World's Healthiest Foods

Powered by ScribeFire.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007

Why should your cell phone sound like everyone else’s? Personalize your cell phone with the fascinating sounds and images of rare and endangered wildlife
calls. Now your phone can come alive with the croaks, chirps and songs of endangered species.
The non-profit Center for Biological Diversity offers you free ringtones and phone wallpapers of rare and endangered animals, a collection of high-quality, authentic sounds and images of some of the world’s most threatened birds, owls, frogs, toads and marine mammals. Download to your mobile phone, for free.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Friday, March 09, 2007
This Guy Can Get 59 MPG in an Accord

these guys get over 100mpg out of their hybrids, and hybrid mileage out of their non-hybrids. I hope you don't try (most of this) at home. Mother Jones
Labels: cars, efficiency, hybrids, mpg
Saturday, March 03, 2007
somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond
any experience,your eyes have their silence:
in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
or which i cannot touch because they are too near
your slightest look easily will unclose me
though i have closed myself as fingers,
you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
(touching skillfully,mysteriously)her first rose
or if your wish be to close me,i and
my life will shut very beautifully,suddenly,
as when the heart of this flower imagines
the snow carefully everywhere descending;
nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals
the power of your intense fragility:whose texture
compels me with the colour of its countries,
rendering death and forever with each breathing
(i do not know what is is about you that closes
and opens; only something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is
deeper than all roses)
nobody,not even the rain,has such small hands
e.e. cummings
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Academy Awards Oscar Goes to 12 Environmentalists

"As the film world awaits the tearing of envelopes at Sunday's Oscar ceremony, some are already clutching their Academy Awards. Among them are the 12 technicians who, in the name of reducing pollution, have de-silvered the silver screen for good. The team worked to replace the silver used in soundtracks with cyan dye, reducing the need for harmful chemicals and saving 2,000 kilograms of silver and more than 150 million litres of water each year."
By replacing replacing the tungsten light used to read the audio in movies with red LEDs removing the need for silver and harmful chemicals.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Amazing Photos of Our Planet

Thursday, February 22, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
MAXED OUT - New Award Winning Film Exposes Credit Industry
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
100 Free, Legal, Downloads - Again!

Emusic promo Link
Public Pressure causes UK to pull out of Iraq

Monday, February 19, 2007
The Stackable, Foldable Car

Researchers at MIT are building a prototype of a lightweight electric vehicle that can be cheaply mass-produced and folded and stacked like grocery carts at subway stations or other central sites. It's called the City Car. Source:Boston.Com
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Great Cell Phone Deal for you

This is what I get for $24 a month:
500 anytime minutes
7 pm evening and weekends unlimited
mobile to mobile unlimited
"Power Vision" (unlimited high speed web access, various applications (like maps, weather, etc.) some TV, like NFL etc.)
(it will cost you between 22 and 30, $30 minus a discount based on where you work / go to school)
You may also be able to get free text, etc.
You can also sign up for 1000 minutes for more.
You can get most phones they offer for free (after rebate) with this plan (RAZR, KRZR, fusic, etc.)
If you want the details leave me a comment, and I'll respond when I can. I am not going to reveal how to get this plan in this post, because it would be a long post, and I try to keep these short and sweet.
This is of course completely above board, legal, etc.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Thursday, December 28, 2006
"Robin Hood" restaurants

At "Robin Hood" restaurants, diners pay what they can afford -- and what they think the meal is worth.
An epiphany scribbled out on a cocktail napkin on a plane ride gave birth to SAME café. Both Brad and Libby had been searching for a meaningful way to give back while making a living. Admitted volunteer junkies, they had been serving and eating with homeless shelter residents for the past eight years. "We loved the service aspect of giving to the community and attacking the issue of hunger," says Brad. "Plus we both love to cook." When they found out about One World, they flew to Salt Lake City to learn how it was run. Cerreta, in turn, spent a month helping the Birkys prepare for opening. One World has had more than 25 inquiries from others around the country interested in starting a similar café. Recently, the café formed a nonprofit www.oneworldeverybodyeats.comaimed at helping others replicate such a venture.
The cafes' clientele is as diverse as the from-scratch buffet-style dishes. Attorneys and CEOs, students, seniors and soccer moms, as well as those down on their luck are among the 150-200 customers that dine daily at One World. Sniffling from a cold, Mike Dega, an environmental engineer, came in looking for comfort food. "I feel like I'm getting a whole new set of nutrients here as opposed to processed food—plus all the spices and flavors here are a real turn-on.""Robin Hood" restaurants