Sword fighting, bombs, beauty, fireworks, and conspiracy all laid upon the themes of our times and exported to London. V for Vendetta is a completely satisfying movie. Whole, compelling, entertaining, inspiring, and visually awe-inspiring it overcomes its flaws and delivers like few movies ever have. As the movie begins, you may wonder how this film ever saw the light of day. Its story line is lifted right from the Bush-Cheney administration’s corruption, blunders and propaganda and thinly veiled with an export of the setting to Britain. Perhaps the most amazing element of this movie is the acting. Consistently well-acted by all the the actors, those you would expect like Hurt, and those you might not, like um, Natalie Portman. Natalie is beautiful, and I found myself falling in love with her character during the movie, but I never thought she was even a mediocre actress. I have found most of performances to be some of the worst ever committed to film. But she pulls off her character her. Just like the brother brought out a worthy performance from Keanu Reeves in the Matrix, they have pulled off their magic again with another less than stellar artist. The complete version of this review will be up soon on