Damn! This book has had such a major impact on my life, that I have held off reviewing it here. I wanted to do it right - but since I can't seem to get the review "right" it has been sitting in limbo. So here goes a "late-night-off-the-cuff-after-a-couple-of-beers-review."
Weighed down with statistics and data from decades of research and studies, this book is anything but an enjoyable read. Yet it is difficult to put down. The arguments are so tight, and the information so relevant to living the good life, that it is hard to not want to consume the whole laborious read in one sitting (my 13 year old son picked it up one morning and devoured the first fourteen chapters).
This book was an (unlikely) Christmas present from my parents, or I may never have read it. The information isn't really new. But the fact that it is backed up by mountains of research, and yet is being actively repressed by the powers it threatens makes it all the more powerful. Basically it says follow the same eating habits the hippies have been promoting for the last thirty years, and you can't get heart disease, cancer or auto-immune diseases. Can't get them. They can't prosper without animal protein. So keep the animal protein (particularly dairy) to a minimum, and eat only whole plant foods (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts...). For the past five weeks I have been doing the best (but not religiously) to follow the findings of the studies, without any expectations. The results have been nothing short of remarkable. I used to have the hardest time getting out of bed. When I exercised or walked, it felt like I was carrying my body around. Now I am hyper. I jump out of bed in the morning, I work out. I go on long hikes... daily. It is almost too much. My persona was built around being mellow. Being in love with being in bed. Being calm and consistent. It really has been a bit tough, on me and my friends (who IS this guy, and what happened to el Deano?). Highly recommended. Link to buy this book